The struggle for human rights continues worldwide on a daily basis. Whether it's a struggle to prevent starvation in Africa, assert one's civil rights in the United States, or avoid torture in Latin America or Asia because of one's political opinion, these are all issues for Hate, Hope and Human Rights
Monday, September 11, 2006
Only 3 weeks to "Save" Darfur?!
One of today's NYT's editorial reads: "Three Weeks to Save Darfur".
Oh really? Wow...a timetable? What a concept. Darfur will not be saved because there is no international will to save it. There is a lot of talk, but not much action. To boot, the African Union peacekeeping forces are set to leave Darfur at the end of this month. President Omar Hassan al-Bashir has made it clear that he will not allow UN peacekeeping forces into his country.
So where does that leave the people of Darfur? Probably with more of the same as in the picture above. (this picture was taken by a colleague of mine who was working with the UN in Sudan during the summer months -- the picture shows a village in Darfur shortly after a Janjaweed attack)...
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War against Euphoria
Hate Hope and Human Rights At least that's what the addicts describe it as. In 2020 alone, an estimated 9.5 million Americans, just A...
The United States has consistently tiptoed around Chinese human rights issues. An American politician may occasional issue a condemnation ...
One of the issues that still haunts many 60 years later, is to what extent were all Germans responsible for the Holocaust? Studies by Milgra...
Are you suggesting Alex K that the United States should send troops to protect the people of Darfur?
The UN is an inept institution that is unlikely to put troops in Darfur without US involvement. When asked by reporters why the UN was not doing anything in Darfur, Kofi Anan said that they couldn't do anything without the support of US troops. Apparently the UN DOES consider the USA the world's police force. I think that US involvement would be a disaster to our country
Why in the world do I want to have my tax dollars wasted in Darfur? There is nothing to be gained by going to Darfur for the U.S. It will not protect our nation. That is what the military is for. Let somebody else be the worlds policemen. Let our military protect me. If those interests coincide with what the U.N. wants, so be it. But if they don't, screw the U.N.
American intervention in Sudan is not the answer. The United States government has no business sending its soldiers, who have made an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, to be shot at in a weak, impoverished country half the world away? By what right does it tax the American people to address overseas problems rather than their own
It is not the mission of either the American government nor of Christianity to rid the world of evil through force. Interfering in places we're not wanted doesn't solve problems, it only makes those problems worse. People suffer and die every day in this world, and we can't come to the rescue of every last one of them. The killing in Sudan will continue whether we intervene or not; intervening won't make the Sudanese better off, but it will make us worse off
Stacy H:
Give me a break! Why should the US get involved in a war that is essentially about religion? We are a compasionate country -- but for our people -- not those people who don't care to help themselves. We got involved in Somalia -- and look what happened -- dead American soldiers and a ton of Somalis being relocated to Ohio and living off of welfare!
The last thing Ohio needs is more people living on welfare.
"We are a compassionate country -- but for our people -- not those people who don't care to help themselves." This comment from Madmax just struck me... The US believes in freedom, and why shouldn't we help those who can't help themselves? Why should we only be compassionate to those people in our country? You don't know the stories of the many thousands of people 'who can't help themselves' - we have people in our own country who 'can't help themselves,' and what, they were blessed because of geography? This will sound cheesy but I was told in elementary school 'we are all pink on the inside.' so please explain the difference between the people in our country and the people abroad ... because we're all people, and all deserve compassion and protection.
Stach H.
Africans need to solve their own problems rather than expecting the West to do it for them. Economic development among the African countries rather than the West is vital as well as the development of an army that is used to hunt corrupt leaders and rebels who prey on the indigents. These criminals must then be tried and punished by Africans.
Wars have crippled most of African countries to poverty. These wars have been about fighting for leadership so a new group of pigs can have their turn at the trough. Corruption is the main disease of Africa now. I cannot imagine that Sierra Leone, with fields of diamonds is the poorest country in the world with the worst mortality rate. Africa must wake up and do things for themselves instead of being beggars. Until this happens I think that Africans have a very bleak future.
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